Visual Basic Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Holy Memes

1) Which of the following is NOT an example of an event in VB?

 A) Change the focus of a control 

B) Click a control 

C) Drag a control onto a form from the toolbox 

D) Change the contents of a textbox 

Answer: C 

2) The process of debugging is to. 

A) Ensure that all of the documentation is complete 

B) Ensure that the outputs are correct 

C) Remove any syntax or run-time errors 

D) Both Band C 

Answer: D

3) What is the code to close a form? 

A) Form.Exit() 

B) Form.Close()  

C) Me.Close() 

D) Me.Clear( ) 

Answer: C

4) GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. 

A) requires users to follow a predefined order 

B) requires users to know commands before using them 

C) Are more complex for programmers to write 

D) more difficult to use 

Answer: C 

5) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the use of Graphical User Interfaces? 

A) Programs that use a GUI are normally easier for the user to use 

B) GUIs are made of objects such as buttons, dialog boxes, and menus 

C) The use of a GUI makes programming much easier 

D) GUIs have helped influence the shift to object-oriented programming 

Answer: C

6) One feature of Even- Driven Programming is _ 

A) An action takes place when a control such as a button is pushed 

B) that each procedure is called in order 

C) that it is used by the earliest programming languages 

D) Most even-driven programs are text-based 

Answer: A 

7) In Visual Basic we work with objects, which have. 

A) Projects, solutions, and procedures  

B) Properties, methods, and events 

C) Programmer preference 

D) Classes, actions, and disciplines

Answer: B

8) What is the purpose of the Toolbox? 

A) To select controls with associated event procedures 

B) To select controls and place on an application form 

C) To select methods to be placed on the form 

D) To design user-defined methods 

Answer: B 

9) How would you get the Design window to display if it is not visible in your project? 

A) Double-click the icon in the toolbar for the designer window. 

B) Click View on the menu bar, and then on the View menu click Designer. 

C) Press Shift+F9 on the keyboard. 

D) Select view designer in the edit menu. 

Answer: B 

10) A VB keyword . 

A) should be used instead of the default names supplied by VB 

B) has a special purpose and cannot be used as a variable or other identifier 

C) can only be used to name VB controls 

D) is used to name the forms for VB projects 

Answer: B 

11) Which is considered a valid step for developing a Visual Basic application? 

A) Create a flowchart or pseudocode version of each method 

B) Make a list of the controls needed 

C) Make a list of methods needed for each control 

D) All of the above 

Answer: D

12) Finding and fixing programming errors is called. 

A) debugging 

B) recoding 

C) fix-its

D) tuning 

 Answer: A 

13) If you want to display text which cannot be modified by the user, use the ' 

A) Label control 

B) Textbox control 

C) Name control  

D) Caption control 

Answer: A

14) Application software are programs that 

A) Perform general user needs  

C) Manage the computer's hardware devices 

B) performs diagnostic tests on secondary storage 

D) controls the computer input/output

Answer: A 

15) Which of the following is NOT a Visual Basic Control? 

A) TextBox 

B) Label  

C) Form 

D) Algorithm 

Answer: D

16) A TextBox control. 

A) is used to describe other controls on the form  

B) has the same function as a label control 

C) can be used to display graphical images 

D) is typically used to input data

Answer: D

(17)A ToolBar ... , 

A) allows the programmer to create user defined controls 

B) can be used as a shortcut for executing commands found in the menu 

C) allows the programmer to put controls on the form 

D) is difficult to use, since you must remember the commands 

Answer: B 

18) What is the code used to display the words "Visual Basic" in a label named lblTitle? 

A) titlelabel.Name.Visual Basic 

B) "Visual Basic" = lblLabel.Text 

C) lblTitle.Text = "Visual Basic" 

D) lblTitle.Name = "Visual Basic" 

Answer: C 

Read more:180 likely examination Questions For Visual Basic

(19) )Which is true about txtName.Text? 

A) The property is txtName.

B) The object is Text. 

C) The property is Text.   

D) Both answers A and C are correct. 

Answer: C

20) Flowcharts and pseudo code are. 

A) the actual VB program without input or output statements

 B) used to determine the controls required for a program 

C) statements that describe the program's input and output 

D) used to outline the solution to a problem 

Answer: D

21) When creating a VB application, you will initially. 

A) Check for logic errors  

B) correct syntax errors 

C) change control properties 

D) Write program statements 

Answer: C

22) How do you display a tooltip? 

A) Hold the mouse cursor over a button on the toolbar or toolbox for a few seconds 

B) Tab to the icon on the toolbar or toolbox so that it has the focus 

C) Double click an icon on the toolbar or toolbox 

D) Single click an icon on the toolbar or toolbox 

Answer: A

23) An Object in Visual Basic........

A) IS a reusable self contained unit.

B) is the data a program uses

C) is an action performed by a method   

D) is a property of a control 

Answer: A

24) You want to find the perimeter of a rectangular room whose sides are represented by dblLength and dblWidth. The statement to find the perimeter of this room is.................. (The * means multiplication) 

A) dblPerimeter = dblLength x dblWidth 

B) dblPerimeter = 2 * dblLength + 2 * dblWidth 

C) dblPerimeter = 2 * dblLength 

D) dblPerimeter = dblLength + dblWidth 

Answer: B

25) What is the purpose of testing a program with sample data? 

A) To be sure that the user has input a valid number 

B) To check to see if the program will run 

C) To ensure that the program handles the calculations correctly 

D) To be sure that there are no syntax errors in the program 

Answer: C 

26) The CPU only processes instructions written in this language. 

A) machine language 

B) Visual Basic 

C) Java 

D) Pseudo-code

Answer: A  

27) All of the following are major hardware components of a typical computer system except. 


B) Main Memory 

C) secondary storage 

D) Operating System 

Answer: D 

28) Programs should use comments (remarks) to _ 

A) Make a program run more efficiently 

B) make the code more understandable to human readers of the program 

C) Make the code run faster 

D) Make the program smaller in size 

Answer: B

29) }The purpose of an algorithm is to ....... 

A) Define the user interface 

B) Analyze a problem 

C) Specify problem requirements  

D) Describe the problem solution

Answer: D

30) The auto-hide feature. 

A) will hide the controls on a form, until the programmer changes the status 

B) permanently remove the toolbox from the VB environment 

C) will cause the window to stay minimized as a tab along one of the edges of the screen until the mouse cursor is over the tab 

D) enables the programmer to hide a control on a form automatically 

Answer: C

31) When your program is in run time mode, you _  

A) can create the user interface 

B) can interact with the program as it executes 

C) can save your program  

D) can always edit your program

Answer: B

32) Which is true of an Identifier? 

A) It is a programmer-defined name. 

B) It is not part of the Visual Basic programming language. 

C) It has a special meaning in VB. 

D) Both A and B are correct. 

Answer: D

33) Which of the following FormBorderStyle values will create a Border that can be resized, closed, minimized, or maximized? 

A) Sizable 

B) Fixed3D 

C) None 

D) FixedDialog

Answer: A 

34) What will the following section of code do? 

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System. Object,

   _ByVal e as System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


 End Sub   

A) Log off the current user 

B) Nothing

C) Close the current form  

D) Shut down the computer

Answer: C 

35) Event procedures are also known as 

A) properties 

B) controls  

C) keywords 

D) Event handlers

Answer: D

36) The_______ property of a label determines if the label can be seen by the user. 

A) Visible   

B) Font     

C) Selected  

D) Size

Answer: A

37) If you accidentally delete a control you can restore it with the . 

A) Redo button on the standard toolbar 

B) Find button on the standard toolbar 

C) Restore property 

D) Undo button on the standard toolbar 

Answer: D

38) Assume you have a Button control named btnDisplayList. Which is the correct name for an event procedure that will be executed when the user clicks on the control? 

A) _Click btnDisplayList         

B) btnDisplayList_ ClickButton

C) btnDisplay List_ClickEvent 

D) btnDisplayList_Click 

Answer: D

39) You can display the Code window in all of the following ways except ' 

A) Click View on the menu bar, and then click the Code command 

B) Click view code button on the Solution Explorer window 

C) Click Project on the menu bar, and then click Show All files 

D) press the F7 key 

Answer: C

40) You can end an application that is running in Visual Basic .NET in all of the following ways except _ 

A) click the close button on the applications window 

B) click the down arrow on the Debug list box, and then click on the release 

C) click Debug on the menu bar, and then click Stop Debugging on the Debug menu 

D) double click the Stop Debugging Icon on the extended Tool Bar while the program is running 

Answer: B

41) In the properties window, a few of the properties, including the Name property are enclosed in to make them appear at the top of the alphabetical list. 

A) quotes 

B) parenthesis 

C) asterisks 

D) brackets 

Answer: B

42) This property is used to automatically adjust an image to fit the size of the PictureBox control it is displayed in. 

A) SizeAdjust 

B) AutoAdjust 

C) AutoSize 

D) SizeMode 

Answer: D

43) Intellisense _____ 

A) allows the user to easily modify properties for a control at design time 

B) provides some automatic code completion while developing a program 

C) is a feature that will help the programmer use proper naming conventions 

D) provides hints about the input data requested from the user 

Answer: B

44) Which of the following is not a valid value for the FormBorderStyle property?  

A) FixedSingle 

B) Fixed3D 

C) Sizable  

D) FixedDouble

Answer: D

45) You can View the properties window when the project is available by doing any of the following actions except 

A) go to the view menu and the clicking properties. 

B) pressing the Ctrl/Alt/P keys 

C) by clicking on the properties icon above the Solutions explorer window 

D) pressing the F4 key 

Answer: B

46) During design time a control will when the Visible property is set to false. 

A) be active 

B) be inactive 

C) be displayed 

D) not be visible

Answer: C 

45) Which data type is best for ‘City name’?



46) Which control executes at specified intervals under the tick event?


b. Form

c.  Watch

d.  Clock

Answer: A

47) When a PictureBox control’s SizeMode property is set to … the image is uniformly resized to fit the PictureBox without losing its original aspect ratio.

a. Zoom

b. StretchImage

c. Normal

d. CenterImage

Answer: A

48) When a student is learning computer programming, it is traditional to start by learning to write a … program.

a. Psuedocode

b. Hello World

c. Simple

Answer B

49) The default property of a textbox control is …

a. Visible

b. Text

c. Name

d. Enabled

Answer A

50) The Label control can be found in the … group of the Toolbox.

a. Containers

b. Common Controls

c. Components

d. Data

Answer B

51) The … property can be used to change the form’s width and height in pixels.

a. rectangle

b. size

c. resolution

d. area

Answer B

52) By default, the textbox control can hold text as …

a. Password Character

b. Multiple lines

c. None of the options

d. Single Line 

Answer D

53) When you want to display text on a form, you use a … control

a. Font

b. Label 

c. Text

d. String

Answer B 

54) Which loop control is best suited when you want to repeat a group of statements a specified number of times and a loop index counts the number of loop iterations as the loop executes?

a. Do

b. For Each ..Next

c. For Next

d. While

Answer C 

55) The function procedures are … by default.

a. Public

b. Private

c. Protected

d. Inherited

Answer A

56) What is the default value of the PictureBox control’s SizeMode property?

a. AutoSize

b. Zoom

c. StretchImage

d. Normal

Answer D

57)In programming we use the term … to mean a number of characters.

a. thread

b. statement

c. string

d. word

Answer C

58)What is the output after the expression below is evaluated if X = 5 and Y = 10?

X \ Y = 

Answer 0

59)What is the output after the expression below is evaluated if X = True and Y = False?

X AND Y = 

Answer = False

60) In code, you use a(n) … to store a value in a control’s property.

a. string literal

b. constant

c. assignment statement

d. dialog box

Answer C

61) What is the value of Z after the expression below is evaluated if X = 12 and Y = 15?

If (++X > --Y) AND (Y > X) then

    Z = X++ + Y++


    Z = ++X + Y

End If

Answer 28

62) A control’s … property identifies the control in the application’s code and in the Visual Studio environment.

a. Tag

b. Text

c. Name

d. Source

Answer C

63) What is the value of Z after the expression below is evaluated if X = 12 and Y = 15?

If (++X > --Y) OR (Y > X) then

    Z = X++ + Y++


    Z = ++X + ++Y

End If

Answer 27

64)Just as a period marks the end of a sentence, a(n) … marks the end of a programming statement in VB.Net

a. semicolon

b. None of the options

c. period

d. space

Answer B

65) What are short notes that are placed in different parts of a program, explaining how those parts of the program work?

a. Labels

b. Comments

c. Sketches

d. Tags

Answer B

66) Which of the following statements would display the number 25 in a Label control named ouputLabel?

a. outputLabel = "25"

b. outputLabel.Text = "25"

c. outputLabel.value = 25

d. outputLabel.Text = 25

Answer B

67) The … naming convention gets its name because the uppercase characters that appear in a name are sometimes reminiscent of a camel’s humps.

a. camelCase

b. Hungarian notation

c. CaMeL style

d. Pascal

Answer A

68)A … is a container that holds classes.

a. list

b. namespace 

c. program

d. method

Answer B

69) A Label control’s … property can be used to position the text differently within the label.

a. TextAlign

b. GroupFont

c. TextPosition

d. DisplayFont

Answer A

70) The … property determines the text that is displayed in the form’s title bar.

a. Name

b. Text

c. Title

d. Caption

Answer B

71) Most controls have a(n) … property that determines whether the control can be seen on the form at run time.

a. Enabled

b. Visible

c. Show

d. Invisible

Answer B

72) What is used for finding out about objects, properties and methods?

a. Code editor window

b. Object browser

c. Toolbox

d. Form layout window

Answer B

73) The … shows a scrollable list of controls that you can add to a form.

a. Shelf

b. Toolbox

c. Collection

d. Bank

Answer B

74) A file that contains program code is called a … file

a. C#

b. CS

c. program

d. source code

Answer D


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